Going back to my snorkeling dilemma. We ended up going out with our friend, a local fisherman, Dindin yesterday. Great great great choice! Everything we wanted!!!!
Yes folks, that is his boat! Hey, he's a local fisherman! So we went out on his fishing boat. Dindin is a lot of fun. He is born and raised on Vieques. He lived through the Navy days here and had some interesting stories to share. He has only left the Island once to go to the mainland. Puerto Rico that is, not the continental United States. He speaks little English, so most of the day was spent with Jay interpreting. He, Dindin is trying to improve his English, so he liked practicing with us. The other interesting thing about this photo is the other boats in the picture belong to other members of his family.
Dindin driving the boat! The whole time we were out, Dindin kept applying a high SPF suntan lotion and encouraging us to do the same. That speaks volumes for how powerful the sun is here!
The boat ride was quite the trip. On our way out we were going into the wind. Everything and everybody got drenched. I had had the bright idea of sitting upfront. Could not see a thing! I had to keep my eyes closed. It was very fun though. He took us out to a reef just past Ensenada Honda to snorkel. It was incredible! Way out on the east end of the island where you can only get to by boat! Exactly what we wanted. We love Dindin, so much so, we are thinking of another adventure with him. A fishing trip! Here are some photos of the trip. Since I didn't bring a waterproof camera the photos are compliments of Kosti!
My husband, not the snorkeler or swimmer choose to stay on the boat with Dindin. Here he is with his spf 50 long sleeve shirt, life vest and well lotiond up head. Only thing, he forgot lotion on his legs and he ended up with one very burnt knee. I felt bad that he was on the boat while we were all out snorkeling and seeing amazing things. I felt bad that is, until I looked over at them and noticed they were having a good time chatting, smoking and drinking beer. I think they enjoyed themselves.
Here's Cori on the way out to our adventure and ladies and gentleman, here I am snorkeling away! Wow, is all I can say. What I saw makes me want to paint.
There were so many beautiful fish, all sizes and beautiful bright colors. I felt like I was swimming in a saltwater aquarium.
We saw lots of beautiful beautiful live coral, I saw a eel.
We saw Rays. The colors down there are just incredible! Unbelievable!!!!!!
These yellow guys were my favorites. It was a huge school of all sizes. I followed them around for a while. Great fun!
That's me out there. This was a fishing boat we were on. No fancy ladders, or ways to get in or out of the boat. I had a hard time jumping in and out. They had to turn the boat around and find a shallower area for me to be able to get back in the boat. Let me tell you, kind of a weird feeling being out there in the ocean and having the boat pull away.
Well as I wind down this post, it wouldn't be right to not include some Paso Finos, roosters, palms trees or beaches. Here is a minute or so old baby Paso Fino. No she is not owned, or inside a ranch, just the opposite, She and her Moma are at the beach where there is a large herd of free roaming Pasos!
Had to include this white rooster on the beach. Rarely do we see white and on the beach yet! Well Vieques has as many roosters and Paso Finos. We often see them on the beach and hear them through the night!
I hear there has been a rash of break ins in Rush this week. Glad we have a Pitbull in the house to protect it!
I love my Sadie Girl, and miss her much!
Well unfortunately, our days are winding down.... check back though.... I am sure the adventures will continue. Oh, just so you know, if you're single and traveling with us, and bring someone home for some nookie nookie.... the boys will request to hold their keys, wallet and ID while they are in our house. Just saying, not that it happened last night here... just saying.....
Much love and sunshine!!
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